Make your balcony safe

Netzen child safety system

Netzen is a balcony, window, and staircase safety solution designed for child safety. The netting is securely installed on dangerous open areas of balconies, windows, or staircases, preventing kids or pets from tragic falls.

The Netzen safety netting system was developed by a mother who is also an architect, and is now available in 26 countries across the world. Her team took years of research and development to perfect a product which:

  • is superbly safe
  • and does not compromise the view, the appearance of the balcony area or the free-flow of air
  • and is virtually invisible from the outside

Netzen features…

  • secures balconies, windows, open staircases, stair rails and upstairs gallery areas
  • used in homes, hotels, nurseries, schools, colleges, police stations, hospitals
  • made of tough 0.7 monofilament mesh
  • strength tested to 140 kg per sq m
  • transparent and almost invisible from outside
  • can be removed in an emergency
  • UV resistant
  • supplied mounting profiles ensure perfect tension
  • we can install it for you
  • or you can install it yourself – watch the DIY video

Watch it being installed…

Installation instructions…

For another layer of balcony safety consider installing  restrictors on your balcony doors, preventing kids from going out onto the balcony alone. See our Jackloc window and door restrictors.

Contact us 050 253 2535 or…